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What Makes The Best Firewood?

Whether you’re looking for a glowing fireplace or blazing flames to warm up your home, you need to understand the role that your choice of wood can play in your resulting fire. There are dozens of different kinds of wood that are recommended by the experts, and it’s just as important as making sure that you make the most of the highest quality hydraulic log splitter to get your wood down to the best size.

The Best Firewood: Hardwood Vs Softwood

Of course, choosing the best wood is not just as simple as choosing which tree the wood itself actually comes from. There are a range of other things that you need to consider, such as:

  • Is the wood seasoned or unseasoned?
  • Is it a hardwood or softwood?
  • Which woods are the best for which situations?

For the best results, you want to make the most of seasoned firewood, cut down to the perfect size for your stove with a great hydraulic log splitter. As this wood is drier, it will burn at a higher temperature for a much longer time and provide real value for money. Wet, green wood tends to burn much more slowly. This can end up costing you more money. Slower-burning wood also presents less in terms of warmth and light.

The Advantages Of Burning Hardwood

Hardwoods are much denser than their softer alternatives. When it burns, it will create glowing coals which will then give out a great deal of radiant heat. This heat and light lasts much longer than softwood. In most circumstances, hardwoods are the best option for heating but there are a few exceptions to the rule.

The Advantages Of Burning Softwood

Although it doesn’t last as long as its harder alternatives, seasoned softwood can create extremely good kindling. This means that if you want a blazing fire then it can give you one quickly. If you’re looking for a fire as a more aesthetic feature, rather than a practical one, then softwood can be a good option.

Seasoned Hardwood For Your Fireplace!

It is almost universally agreed that seasoned hardwood is the very best firewood. Not only will it last for a long time, provide high levels of warmth and work to create a cosy atmosphere in any room, it can also help to save money in the long run as you get through it much slower than softwood.

The Best Hardwoods For Burning

  • Ash – Ash tends to give off plenty of heat, flames well and burns reasonably even when it’s green.
  • Birch – Birch not only creates a lot of heat, it also gives off a great smell. It burns quite quickly though, so make sure you stock up!
  • Hawthorn – Although it is fairly difficult to get your hands on, Hawthorn is one of the best woods to burn in any situation. It burns slow and hot, making it one of the most cost-effective options.
  • Oak – Although it’s pretty easy to get a hold of, oak needs to be well seasoned before it’s suitable. As it is very dense, it burns slow and hot and also makes a lasting bed of glowing coals.
  • Sycamore – Although it flames nicely, the heat is not as strong as ash or oak. Fortunately, it is very easy to buy and is good to mix with others.

Hydraulic Log Splitters, For The Best Firewood!

Here at Flowfit, we are proud to offer a range of reliable and cost-effective hydraulic log splitters. Log splitters are essential when it comes to cutting your wood down into manageable and the best possible sized pieces. For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our professional team today on 01584 876 033.

Alternatively, you can email any questions or concerns to, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

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