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A Brief Overview Of The Different Types Of Hydraulic Motors

Hydraulic motors are a key component of any hydrostatic power transmission system. They work to convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, which is more applicable to a range of uses. Depending upon the specific applications, these motors can often prove more efficient and economical over any electrical or pneumatic counterparts, making them suitable for a diverse range of systems.

Hydraulic Motor Construction

Motors that make the most of hydraulic systems utilise fluid pressure to drive mechanical loads. Hydraulic motors require this attached system and cannot function like an isolated unit, in the same way that an electric motor can. Instead, they need to be part of a hydraulic circuit, including other hydraulic components such as a hydraulic pump, valves, filters and a hydraulic fluid reservoir.

Essentially, the hydraulic pump draws the hydraulic fluid – often oil – from the tank (reservoir) and the system then pressurises it, suppling it to the hydraulic motor. The motor is then powered by the fluid which can then transfer its operation to the required workload.

Hydraulic motors are fluid-based power actuators which are capable of delivering linear or rotary motion, depending on their design.

The Types Of Hydraulic Motor

Axial Piston Motors

These types of hydraulic motors are of the “swash-plate” type, and have a bank of cylinders that are arranged in a 360 degree shape, and are parallel to each other. Each cylinder has a piston, that reciprocates at one end of the piston by pushing against the swash-plate.

This design imparts rotational motion to the output shaft, with one end connected to the workload and the other to the swash-plate. Typically, this design is utilised as part of a compact cylindrical motor.

A Radial Piston Motor

These designs are probably the most easily recognisable, as they have a bank of cylinders arranged like those of a car engine, with a series of pistons riding on cams along an attached camshaft, which is then attached to the relevant output shaft.

Typically, these models are generally used for wheel motors and a range of other applications, such as forklifts and suitable industry vehicles.

Gear Type Motors

This type of hydraulic motor can be typically characterised as internal gear or gyrator type and external gear motors. Gyrator motors are extremely quite during operation, and are designed to transmit rotary power through an output shaft that has been connected to a rotor moving inside of an outer stator.

The rotational movement of the gears, powered by pressurised hydraulic liquid, is transmitted to the workload through an output shaft connected to the rotating gears and passing through the motor housing.

Vane Type Motors

As their name suggests, vane motors have moveable vanes connected to a centrally located output shaft. The entire arrangement is enclosed in a housing which receives pressurised hydraulic fluid directly from the pump. This fluid exerts force directly onto the vanes to make them rotate like fan blades.

Choose Flowfit, For Industry-Leading Hydraulic Motors

Here at Flowfit, we are the UK’s leading provider of a range of hydraulic motors and components. We are dedicated to ensuring that every customer can find the ideal hydraulic component for their needs.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the friendly and professional team here at Flowfit today on 01584 876 033.

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